Saturday, November 5, 2011

Winning Entries

These two won in the same category at my schools District Art Show.....and i only did them the night i REALLY didn't think i would win >w<

1. My favorite, and 2nd Place

2. AAAND not my favorite, but won 3rd place!
sorry for the glare!!! in both the pictures T.T i was to lazy to turn off my flash......

For Friends!

I got bored in June and wanted to practice some dragons, this is what came out!

If you are wondering, the dragon is wrapped around the multi-colored-rose-i-only-used-one-colored-pencil-for-then-the-wet-blender-messed-it-up.

You may not be able to tell that there ARE flowers there.....i should have put a background color in but oh well its still cute!

1 more WoW .......for now -w-

This is ALSO a reference........get the hint i use a ton of references yet?
It wasn't until after she was shaded i realized a big mistake i had done -.-

LOOK ^^^
Her hips are way to small Grrz -.-


This would be my first dragon E-V-E-R and i loved it! Then everyone beat me down on it T^T.

yes....originally there was going to be a failed. Hey cut me some slack! I was in 8th grade =(


So you have more than likely seen this picture somewhere, and without cat ears & tail, but i decided i wanted to try a guy and this is how he came out =D

A Fish, A peach, And A Portrait.........wait what?

I didn't want to do 3 separate posts so i put them all together >w< muwahahaha

1. fishie fishie fishie PASTEL! lol

2. Peach

3. um.....yeah.....this is a portrait of someone who i made up ^-^ and then screwed up by adding.. unnecessary objects to her....

Some Anime-Randomness

Okay! I always had fun doing these =) but there is a notebook that i had drawn a TON of my drawings in and i have to find it T^T but i promise they shall be posted!!

1. Cute Couple

3. 2nd chibi ever done!

3. it was a drawing from a tattoo, just colored differently

4. Um i am not sure where she came from, BUT i do love her!

5. ok so THIS is my first chibi ever! (if you could swear you have seen it before you probably have, i used a different chibi for a reference but the clothes are so different same with hair)

6. ....Not sure!

7. At the beginning it wasn't Shita from Castle in the Sky.but it ended up to be her, well somewhat >w<


The first 3 i did when we went camping so i had ZERO references!! I was so happy with how they turned out i was going to cry! The 4th one i drew by looking at a WoW playing card -w-. OH! For all those who don't know what WoW is, it is World Of Warcraft.

1. Dranei Pally!

2. Dranei Shaman

3. Night Elf , Druid
(face on this one...annoys me -__-)
4. Blood Elf....warlock? I didn't do the original

Hand and Wolf

Last year (again) i had to do drawing assignments for my art class! what a drag! haha. well, we had to do a picture of our hand (which i loved how it turned out, BUT WE NEVER CRITIQUED IT -cries-) and a ribbon animal, but the animal had to be snarling.




I had a major headache, taken 2 Excedrin and could NOT for the life of me figure out why i couldn't sleep.
  Did you know one pill is equivalent to two cups of coffee? Hmm any guess on why i couldn't sleep?
Haha, so i did this picture at midnight and was proud of how it turned out!


3 piece assignment

Last year in my drawing class we had a 3-piece assignment. we had to choose a picture of a bug -.- so i did a green moth!

1. shapes, (cant remember the real art style name)

2. Realism

3. Abstract, (this was my favorite out of the 3...and when we critiqued one liked it!! >=O)

halloween contest entries =)

SO! I entered a contest and was quite proud of my work >w< i know i can do better so its sad i didnt put my all into them but i love them!

So this is my witch, i decided after i drew and colored her, that she looked a lot like Mitsuki from Full Moon Wo Sagashite

And my werewolf with the chibi vampire eating her lollipop haha >w<